Etikett: #mssl141
Processes for new service development – Good or bad?
Development processes could be both a good and bad instrument. My experience is that just the talk and existence of processes makes many people worried to be slaves under work methods and that the joy to do the work and to innovate new work methods get lost. Another argument is loss of flexibility. Adding processes…
Servitization in the Medtech industry
I find this subject very interesting and many of the videos included in the course confirm spot on the challenges that I experience in the medtech industry. It feels good to know that the outcome from the research is very applicable! Servitization, or service infusion, is a way of differentiate products. It means delivering service…
Service innovation in the MedTech industry
Reflections on module 4 –Service innovation In a previous post “Service Logic in my industry” I wrote that the medtech companies are struggling with decreasing product margins and tougher competition from low cost countries. To grow, either through acquisitions or organically, is important in order to stay in business and not be a victim for an acquisition.…
Customer experience in the MedTech industry
Reflections on module 3 – Customer experiences The products that I’m working with right now are lifters that help disabled persons e.g. out of bed and into a wheelchair or to the toilet. When talking about customer experience I need to separate between the caregiver and the consumer/patient. An important caregiver experience of such products is…
Value co-creation in the MedTech industry
Reflections on course module 2 – Value exchange, value-in-use, value co-creation. The term “value exchange” is defined as the price a customer pays at the time of purchase whereas the “value-in-use” is defined as the value created by the customer during use. In MedTech, the value exchange exists both as “Capital sales”, “Rental” and “Service…
Service logic in my industry
I’m having an interim assignment within MedTech and I think there is a mix of Goods and Service Dominant Logic in this industry (GDL/SDL). Of course there are both pure SDL and GDL players. However, the standard goods shows decreasing margins due to hard competition and to keep the margins, GDL companies are focusing on goods innovations, more sofisticated…
Company offerings and what they do
When I’m thinking about the statement ”It is not so much about what offerings you have but instead about what your offerings do” I find it interesting what a strong brand can do with a consumer offering. Consider two similar phones (design and functionality wise). An iPhone is probably “doing” very differently in the hand of a…
Making sense of service logic
I have started to take a course in Making Sense of Service Logic #mssl141 . It is a webinar based course at Karlstad University. During the course I will post my reflections under this category. [anr-captcha]